
Monday, June 4, 2012

Should it same or different?

"If two people really believe in something, all the impossible will be possible." – Richard Castle (from Castle S4)   

I have an issue to talk about this time. An issue that I’m still dun get it why that can be a major problem for some people. Anw, I wanna try to write it in Bahasa Indonesia today. Honestly, I dunno how to write in Bahasa Indonesia using appropriate sentences. Last two weeks, I had a presentation for Parent Teacher’s Meeting at my school. Well, I used to get A for my Public Speaking subject when I was on my study at the university. But, I never had it in Bahasa Indonesia. So, when my coordinator asked me to try doing it in front of her seriously, I didn't know what to say. It’s been a long time already for me to speak in informal language. But, I managed to do it OK during the D-day. My coordinator gave me 8 for my score =p but I didn't think that I did well. So, today I’ll try to write in Bahasa. Hopefully I won’t mess it up…

Ok.. let’s back to the issue…

Ehemm….. Topik kali ini  adalah tentang perbedaan agama. Hal ini sedikit (banyak) menimbulkan pro dan kontra di lingkungan sekitar saya. Tapi hanya akan menuliskannya dari sudut pandang saya secara pribadi. Sy akan menceritakan sedikit tentang keluarga sy. Keluarga sy adalah keluarga buddhis awalnya walaupun jujur saja lebih ke agama tradisi (kong hu cu). Papa sy sebenarnya mengerti konsep agama Budha dengan cukup baik sayangnya dy tidak mengajarkan kepada sy dan kedua adik laki-laki sy.  Sy sempat bersekolah di sekolah Budhis waktu kecil selama setahun. Setelah itu selalu bersekolah di sekolah beragama Katolik or Kristen. Pada waktu SMP saya sempat berkeinginan untuk menjadi Katolik tapi saat itu papa sy mengarahkan sy dengan banyak hal yang memuat sy mengurungkan niat. Tapi sy msh sering ke gereja ikut teman-teman sepermainan sy. Pada saat itu di lingkungan sekitar rmh sy tidak ada vihara yang berdiri seperti sekarang. Kemudian saat SMA sy berpacaran dengan Mr. W. Dia seorang Kristen. Lalu suatu hr dy negur sy waktu sy mo pergi ke gereja dengan teman2 sy. Dia mengatakan pada sy agar lebih baik ke vihara kalau memang sy beragama Budha daripada mengikuti orang lain. Saat itu sudah ada vihara yang berdiri. Sejak saat itu sy memupuk keinginan untuk mempelajari budhis lebih dalam lagi.. hanya sj sy msh belum benar2 datang ke vihara. Setelah sy putus dengan Mr.W baru sy terpanggil dan niat datang ke vihara dan hal itu terus berlangsung sampai sekarang.

Lalu ada adik sy, sebut saja namanya DJ. Sejak lulus SMA, DJ sudah dikirim ke luar kota ke tempat pamanku. Setelah beberapa waktu, adik saya terpanggil untuk menjadi seorang Kristian. Orangtua sy, khususnya mama sy pada awalnya amat sangat menentang. Tp adik sy akhirnya tetap baptis. Pada dasarnya saya tidak menentang karena sy berpikir kenapa harus melarang seseorang untk beragama? Menurut sy kalau itu baik buat dia justru lebih baik. Dia akan takut dengan Tuhan sehingga menghindarinya dari perbuatan buruk.
Suatu waktu DJ pulang ke Jakarta. Awalnya dia selalu berusaha mengkristenkan kami sekeluarga. Semakin dy berusaha semakin keras pertentangan yang diberikan sampai satu waktu dia dengan emosi mengatakan kalau sy menyembah berhala. Sy langsung menamparnya saat itu. Sy berkata padanya kalau sy tidak pernah menentang keyakinan dy karena sy tau ajarannya baik dan bnar. Yang membuatnya terlihat buruk adalah orangnya yang salah menerapkannya. Jadi sy minta dy jangan menghakimi keyakinan sy jg. Kemudian adik sy ada mendiskusikan dengan mentor dy dan mentornyapun tidak menyetujui tindakan yang dilakukan adik sy itu. Hal itu diakui oleh DJ pada sy. Sekarang DJ sudah menikah dan mempunyai keluarga Kristen yang bahagia dan saya turut senang akan hal itu..

Kemudian ada mama sy yang sejak 2-3 tahun belakangan ini menjadi seorang Kristani. Akan tetapi, berbeda dengan DJ yang akhirnya bs bertenggang rasa lain halnya dengan mama sy. Mama sy terus berusaha membuat ‘yang tersisa’ ikut kekristenan. Sampai saat ini terkadang masih ada perdebatan antara kami ‘yang tersisa’ dengan dy. Kalau hal itu membuat dy lebih baik ya kami tidak masalah tp jangan jd menganggap apa yg kami yakini tidak benar. Sy selalu berusaha menjelaskan bahwa agama itu jodoh dan panggilan. Seandainya suatu hari nanti ada dr kami yang akan mendapat panggilan ke ‘sana’ ya…let it’ll be.. Biar waktu yang menjawab. Itu yang selalu sy katakan. But honestly, I dun think that I would change my mind..

Saturday, June 2, 2012

A killing time writting...

    Saturday, June 2nd.. I woke up this morning and reached my phone as usual then I looked at the date n I felt kinda shocked.. It’s been half year in 2012. I haven’t even do anything to reach at least one of my new year resolutions yet.. *sigh*
Talking bout it, one of my resolution is travelling  Korea n Thai.. But I failed it since early of the year. Haizz… n due to my new position at school I can’t have any off day during school days.. >.<

   Anyway,  I had a chance to have a day gateway out of Jakarta last two weeks.  I went to Onrust and Cipir Island with my school work mates. It was fun and thrilling to me.. A little glimpse about Onrust can be find here ...
We just need a little more than 30 minutes by a small to reach Onrust. We spent about 2 hours less or more there. It was a very nice weather in the morning. I captured some pictures. You can open my album

What I like the most in this island is this swings that been tied to a big tree trunk. 

It has a weird movement ^^ but I like it. The island has a museum, a prison, many graves and lots of ruins building. The view to the see were speechless! Can’t imagine that it only several minutes away from Jakarta.
Then we move to Cipir Island or Khayangan Island. Back then, they called it Kuiper Island. We had our early lunch here..It was much smaller than Onrust. There was a bridge that connected these two islands long ago but coz of the sea rise level and abrasion it has gone and what left only a little part of it. The ruins here are mostly part of hospitals.We were stucked here longer than we expected because of the big waves so we can’t reached the 3rd island, Kelor Island. After getting bored with the island we decided to go to the last island on our trip.. And here we go my day mare.. >.<

   It was a big wind and waves on our way. It’s like playing roller coaster on the sea! I can’t swim so it was really freaking me out. I was amazed with the island actually because of the big fort ruin. But we can’t land on it coz the waves. While my friends were too busy to take picture with the fort as the background. As for me, I was only thinking of going back! I was so afraid. Then finally, they all agreed going back. *fiuh* Basically, the islands are close to each other, so supposed to be the way back also less than an hour. However, it felt like thousand year to me (really literrally). The worst thing was it rain. The small boat just swing left and right, up and down plus the rain n dark cloud on us really make me thinking of kissing the land. I can saw thehospital near my school from far away but all around us just water. After some freaking minutes, we finally get closer to the land. And…..the weather just as nice as when we left in the morning.. *come on*

   However, I really enjoyed walked around the island and looked at the ruins there. Once in my teen life, I dreamt to be an archeolog. I always love to hear or find out about histories that lie on ruins of places.  I have buried my “wanna be archeolog” coz I dunno what major should I take on my college time but still I have the passion in histories. It’s like I travell back to those time. Now, I’m a teacher and I do have dreams but I try to live with what I have now, altough I find it difficult sometimes. But I know, that there are many people out there that live far from their dreams. I just have to be grateful.  We all do..

“Appreciate all the good things in your life. No matter how small. You already have some  amazing things in your life, whether you realize it or not.-unknown-