
Tuesday, October 13, 2015

8th Dating Anniversary

Happy 8th years old dating anniversary!! (to me and Mr. A)
We've survived the first two years very long distance and on-off long distance for another two years. Many fights, worries, cries, dissapoinments during those years, but never forget about the sweet memories, the laughters, the smiles, the kisses, the hugs, the cuddles and the grateful feelings when we think of each other. 
Next year another celebration will start from number 1 again. hehehe. *excited*

Thank you, Indri for this illustration! xoxo *romanticmoodon*

Special thanks for Indri who was willing to help me with this illustration. I found that her drawing on her posts were so cute and I also have particular fond with hand drawing scetch.  =P

prepare a lil give for him coz I didnt give anything last year

I prepared a gift by impulsivenes again (as always last minute idea). I thought this will be the perfect gift to cherish our times and moments from was, now and then. I will request the help of Gx-xxk to deliver this to his office by this noon. This year will be my suprise, he gave me one last year ^^


  1. Congratulation ya Shall :-D
    Semoga makin langgeng, and lancar semua persiapan hari h nya nanti ;-)

  2. Sweet banget si shal :) duh akuuh juga nih last anniv lom siapin apa2 >.< cemana ini ada idekah ngasi apaan T_T

    1. Hehehe.. klo g sih kshnya yg kebetulan uda diinginkan2 dy. cm mo belinya tuh mendadak niatnya. ^^

  3. Btw, Indriii akuh juga maoo dong dibikinin gitu akuhh bulan depan :D *winkwink*

    1. Yesss, mari gw bikinin juga pasti Nie. *untung masi bulan depan hahaha* tinggal mikir beli kado Mr. Brown deh yaaa.^^

  4. Setuju Shal, gue juga demen banget sama coret-coretannya Indri :D Sketch lo sama Mr. A bagusss, manis :D Happy anniversary, semoga lancar semua persiapan untuk next celebration ^^

    1. Thank you, Lip.. cute yak coretan Indri.. cb pny talentnya 1/3 aja...

    2. Uuw makasii Shal n Olip *tersipu* Tar Olip juga bisa gw bikinin, klo perlu pake logo central resto d background bwahahahahhaa.

  5. happy anniversary Shal :)

    lancar2 ya buat wedding preparationnya ^^

  6. Haii shal.. salam kenal.. btw congratz ya u/ km n Mr A ^^ hebat bgd bs 8th.. lancar sampe hari H ya ^^

    1. Hi Selvi.. Salam kenal jg ^^ thank you ya. wish u the same thing too ya till next year. :)

  7. Hai, happy anniversary.. aku nemu blog kamu dari blog temenku, hehe.. salam kenal ya.. 8 tahun pasti uda melewati suka duka banyak banget.. aku juga pacaran dari tahun 2007 sama cowokku (upss, sekarang udah jadi suami).. hahaha.. masih gak terbiasa dgn sebutan suami :p anw, semoga semua lancar-lancar ya sampai hari H dan langgeng terus sampai selama-lamanya, Amin :)

    1. Hi Yanti. Anw, just got married ya? Congrats ya.. ^^ Thank you... Amin :)
