
Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Throwback from boyfriend to future husband -- was, now and then

September is arrived already! 2 months, 1 week to go. I find out that Mr. A might feel it too. The excitement and et cetera about our wedding. I can tell this because recently he has been very patience to accompany me to go here and there, help reminding me with things that I have forgotten. And yesterday, though he had a long busy day at work, he still managed to list down the wedding songs and thinking about the vows that I asked him to write to be put in our customized ring bearer. Despite we always have a different taste of songs genre, I like the choice of songs he did ^^

some of the list he made last night
I found that it's very sweet of him -- hope he will not read this. hehehe. This year will be our 8 years of dating by this October. I have ever shared about our love journey in here . We have been seperated by distance for our first 4 years of dating but we managed until this time. And for the past 8 years I can see him as a grown adult. We met at our not so early 20s and each of us was a different person back there. I know he makes me better person. As for him, I know he is not that "young adult" anymore. I hope we can learn to communicate more each day and learn from each other to be a better partner, best friend, soulmate and one day we can be good parents also for our children.

This November, we will start another journey of love once again. Let us fall in love with each other once again.


  1. MELTING bacanyaaaaa, aah so sweeet. Wedding songsnya juga ada bbrp aku sukaaa :D

    Lama juga yaa uda 8thn, kalo ak mau jalan 6 nih bentar lg *sokpentingngasitau*

    1. Hehehe.. pokoe bisa dating longer than 3 years klo buat ak sih sesuatu bingits d. Jd every couple is special in their own way ^^

  2. Shal, samaan nih, daku jg udh mau 8 thn.. hehehe.
    ga berasa ya ternyata pacaran nya udh selama itu.. :)

    Emang kadang kl hubby mau anter sana sini tanpa ngeluh, kita udh seneng bgt ya.. hohoho

    1. Iye..apalg Mr. A ini orgnya jarang2 niat gt. Tp begitu ud dkt hr H dy yg lbh byk inisiatif tu bikin happy. Malah jd ga ada drama2 yg biasa kata org akan muncul sblm merit. N lbh seneng lg krn vow dy kelar dlan. Hehehe

  3. ijin nyontek beberapa lagunya yaaa cik ..
    kita samaan dong, list lagu juga aq minta cami yg kerjain ..walopun pada akhirnya nanti kita sortir sama2 lagii ..
    seneng yaa ci kalo liat sang cami 'keliatan' excitednya buat prepare wedding ..
    God bless you ci :)

  4. i love all the song's list...... keren bangettt udah mau 8 tahun.... seneng yah liad cowo niat dan excited juga about the wedding hihihiih.... semangatt yahhhh sai :)

  5. Sel, so sweet bgt c postingannya :D
    wedding vownya buat sendiri ya? asikkkkk
    smangat2 ya Sel wed prep-nya :)

    1. Hehehe.. vow nya sih buat di dlm ring bearermya. Buat reminder for us jg. :)
